Storing Dots
Can I keep my Dots in the Freezer?
Dippin’ Dots must be kept at -40 degrees to keep their shape. Your freezer at home is not keep your Dippin’ Dots in the delivered box until you are ready to serve them.
How long will my Dots last?
Dippin’ Dots will last for 48 hours from the time the ice cream leaves our warehouse. If you need your Dippin’ Dots to keep cold longer, you may purchase additional dry ice with your order.
Eating Dots
What do I eat my Dots with?
We recommend using plastic spoons. Dippin’ Dots are very cold, a metal spoon may stick to your tongue. If you don’t know what happens when your tongue touches cold metal objects; please watch A Christmas Story (1983 film).
Ordering Dots
How do I get my Dots?
Visit our Contacts Page
Dry Ice Safety
DO NOT touch dry ice without wearing COTTON OR LEATHER GLOVES to protect your hands. The temperature of dry ice is -109 degrees Fahrenheit and WILL cause burns to your hands or any bodily surface it touches.
-DO NOT transport dry ice in an enclosed vehicle. WINDOWS SHOULD BE OPEN TO PERMIT ADEQUATE VENTILATION.
-If dry ice is used in a confined space, allow adequate fresh air into the room or space before entering. DRY ICE WILL REPLACE OXYGEN AND THE RESULT MAY CAUSE SUFFOCATION AND/OR DEATH.
-Never place dry ice in a tightly sealed container or vessel. It will revert back to a gaseous state, create increased pressure and has the potential to create a HEALTH HAZARD.
-Dispose of dry ice by placing it outdoors – AWAY FROM CHILDREN, PETS, and OTHERS where it may cause harm.
REMEMBER – even if dry ice is stored in a container, VAPORS CAN ESCAPE AND CAN CAUSE A HEALTH HAZARD.